The Faithful Mother

The Faithful Mother

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Babies on a Plane

When taking Barron on his first flight, I had no idea what to expect. Would he sleep, would he cry from the pressure, would everyone around me think he was cute or would they dread being seated by a baby?! Well, I am happy to say the flight went great! We flew from Orlando to Dallas (with a layover in Houston, Texas) then a few days later we flew back to Orlando. 

Its also important to share I took these flights with out my husband because God gave me the opportunity to speak at an event called 'Kiss Barbie Goodbye' in Texas. I shared with the girls about my experience in entertainment and the lies the media portrays as beauty and worth. Not only did we have a great experiences on the plane (you can read below) but the event went amazing, 10 teenage girls shared publicly they accepted Christ!

On the first flight we sat next to a sweet older spanish woman and her pregnant daughter. In the airport earlier, I made the mistake of ordering hot soup to eat on the plane. What was I thinking? You can't carry a baby, car seat, diaper bag and luggage while eating hot soup! The woman next to me, when seeing me give up on trying to eat, asked if she could help by holding Barron. I was hesitant but then she went down the list of things she knew a mother would be concerned about.... I'm a grandmother of 7, I don't have a cold and I just sanitized my hands when I got on the plane. She had also asked his name and prayed for us to have a safe and easy flight when we took off. The combination of these things made me comfortable to say 'yes' and I was able to enjoy my hot soup while she spoke lovingly to him in spanish. 

On the second flight, we sat next to a guy who was on 'So you think you can Dance!' The guy proceeded to dance to the music that was playing in his head phones the whole flight. He was practicing a move that involved holding a beating heart in his hands, eating it, and having the heart beating through his body. Which was all very entertaining for Barron to watch. We made it through both flights with out any crying. The people around us were very happy! 

Barron didn't cry on the plane for three reasons: 
1) I nursed him during take off and landing - it really helps to relieve the pressure while keeping them feeling safe and soothed. If you are a breastfeeding mom I highly recommend this (you can also try a pacifier or bottle).
2) We had very entertaining people sitting next to us, that amused and distracted Barron - if you don't have great cabin mates to entertain, bring along books, toys,  a stuffed animal and or rattle. Anything your baby likes to look at and grab.
3) God gave him the gift of being a happy, laid-back baby.

On the flight home from Texas we had a layover in New Orleans. We stayed on the plane and I took that time to use the changing table in the plane lavatory and walk around with him to stretch my legs. The pilot was speaking to flight attendants before the new passengers arrive and when he saw Barron he came over and started to talk to him in Donald Duck's voice. Barron smiled and laughed so the pilot asked if he could hold him. Next thing I know he walked Barron straight into the cockpit. He proceeded to put his captains hat on him and hit buttons in the cockpit that made things beep and flash. Barron loved every minute. And of course I took the opportunity to take photos. I had no idea anything like this was still allowed. It made an incredible experience for Barron's first time flying and gave me pictures I will cherish forever. The pilot also suggested to wiggle Barron's ears (by gently pulling the ear lobes) during take off and landing while he sucks on a pacifier. I tried this instead of nursing him during the last flight and Barron didn't seem to have any problems with cabin pressure. Thank you to SouthWest airlines for making it so easy for me to travel with a baby!!

We have two more flights coming up. One to South Carolina next month, I am speaking at a CRU high school ministry conference. And another for our family vacation with Barron in Deer Valley Utah, a month later. I will let you know how our future flying adventures go and any tips that have helped us in traveling.